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san diego firefighters emerald society

pipeband in san diego california

The purpose of the San Diego Firefighters’ Emerald Society is to provide a fraternal organization for the firefighters of San Diego County who share a Gaelic heritage and wish to continue the fine traditions that have made firefighting what it is today.

Gaelic heritage is not required for membership .

The SDFF Emerald Society has a Pipe and Drum unit for parades, funerals, and special events within the community.

The SDFF Emerald Society will support the community as a representation of goodwill through education assistance programs, sponsorships, and other events.

The SDFF Emerald Society hosts a breakfast and beverage party the morning of the St Patrick’s Day Parade for all firefighters and family members.

SDFF Emerald Society provides an environment of brother and sisterhood amongst it’s members. It encourages members to be positive role models in the community/ The organization is committed to enhancing the professionalism within the fire service and developing a close bond with the community to increase public safety.

Any current or retired firefighter or firefighter living in San Diego County is encouraged to join the Society! Contact us at for more info.

Membership applications can be downloaded here and mailed in with your dues to:

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