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Explore the rich tradition of bagpiping across the United States on this page.
Whether you’re looking for a skilled bagpiper for your event, seeking a local band to join, or interested in learning the art yourself, you’ll find resources and contacts organized by state.
Upcoming Events in the United States
Sat, Feb 22, 2025
Northeast Florida Scottish Games and Festival
Green Cove Springs, Florida, united states
Sat, Feb 22, 2025
Northeast Florida Scottish Games and Festival
Green Cove Springs, Florida, united states
Sat, Feb 22, 2025
Northeast Florida Scottish Games and Festival
Green Cove Springs, Florida, united states
Sat, Feb 22, 2025
St. Baldrick's Event with Coastal Carolina Shields Pipes and Drums
Murrells Inlet, South Carolina, united states
United States
- Calhoun
- Jefferson
- Anchorage
- coconino
- maricopa
- pima
- Scottsdale
- Washington
- los angeles
- marin county
- monterey county
- sacramento
- san diego
- san francisco
- santa clara county
- ventura county
- Denver
- Loveland
- fairfield county
- hartford county
- new haven
- Dover County
- New Castle County
- Capitol Hill
- Bay
- Brevard
- Collier
- Duval
- Hendry
- Hillsborough
- Lake
- Leon
- Orange
- Palm Beach
- Pinellas
- Sarasota
- St. Johns
- St. Lucie
- Chatham
- Fulton
- Honolulu
- Maui
- Ada
- Bonner
- Shoshone
- Cook
- DuPage
- Jackson
- Peoria
- Winnebago
- Fountain
- Grant
- Howard
- Lake
- Marion
- St. Joseph
- Tippecanoe
- Vanderburgh
- des moines
- Wyandotte
- Fayette
- Jefferson
- East Baton Rouge
- Lafayette
- Orleans
- St. Tammany
- Cumberland
- Hancock
- Kennebec
- York
- Baltimore
- Cecil
- Montgomery
- Barnstable
- Essex
- Hampden
- Middlesex
- Suffolk
- Worcester
- Genesee
- Ingham
- Midland
- Muskegon
- Oakland
- Washtenaw
- Wayne
- Hennepin
- Ramsey
- Hinds
- Lauderdale
- Phelps
- St. Louis
- Missoula
- Yellowstone
- Douglas
- Elko
- Hillsborough
- Bergen
- Camden
- Cape May
- Essex
- Hudson
- Hunterdon
- Mercer
- Middlesex
- Monmouth
- Morris
- Ocean
- Passaic
- Bernalillo
- Santa Fe
- Albany
- Allegany
- Bronx
- Broome
- Dutchess
- Erie
- Kings
- Monroe
- Nassau
- New York
- Oneida
- Onondaga
- Orange
- Queens
- Rockland
- Saratoga
- Schenectady
- St. Lawrence
- Suffolk
- Ulster
- Westchester
- Wyoming
- Avery
- Beaufort
- Buncombe
- Catawba
- Cumberland
- Durham
- Forsyth
- Guilford
- Mecklenburg
- Rockingham
- Union
- Wake
- Cuyahoga
- Franklin
- Hamilton
- Lorain
- Portage
- Summit
- Oklahoma
- Osage
- Benton
- Clackamas
- Jackson
- Multnomah
- Wallowa
- Washington
- Allegheny
- Bucks
- Chester
- Erie
- Lackawanna
- Lancaster
- Lebanon
- Lehigh
- Northampton
- Philadelphia
- Pike
- san juan
- Kent
- Newport
- Providence
- Charleston
- Greenville
- Richland
- Davidson
- Hamilton
- Knox
- Shelby
- Collin
- Denton
- Harris
- Jefferson
- Karnes
- McLennan
- Nueces
- Travis
- Davis
- Salt Lake
- Chittenden
- Washington
- Alexandria
- Fairfax
- Frederick
- Mathews
- King
- Pierce
- Calumet
- Dane
- Kenosha
- Milwaukee