Congratulations to Inveraray & District Pipe Band became Grade 1 World Champions for the third time on August 17, 2024

Grimsby Pipe Band

Grimsby Pipe Band
  • July 23, 2024

The Grimsby Pipe Band is an actively participating pipes and drums band based in Grimsby, Ontario, Canada. We practice on Saturday mornings (10 am to noon) and Tuesday Evenings (6:45 pm to 9 pm). The Grimsby Pipe Band proudly wears the Earl of St. Andrew’s Tartan along with St. Andrew’s Crest on our glengarries.

Our History

The band formed in 1999 on the initiative of Gordon Scott, a local musician who played bagpipes for several years with the Dofasco Pipes and Drums. The original members met on Friday evenings to share their love of piping. One of those was Bob Doherty who at that time was minister of St. John’s Presbyterian Church and St. John’s became the band’s home. The word spread and gradually other pipers and drummers joined the Friday evening sessions. ​ As more pipers and drummers joined, the practice chanter sessions developed into full blown band playing and the original members agreed to incorporate. Each put up some money to buy uniforms from the Niagara Regional Police Pipe Band and by 2007 the Grimsby Pipe Band was ready for public appearances.

These generally meant parades and included such events as Santa Claus and Canada Day events. The band has played from Fort Erie to Guelph, and by 2016 were doing as many as twenty-eight public appearances a year.

The band membership now includes experienced players on both instruments and an active teaching program allows beginners of all ages to learn piping and drumming. Practices and teaching sessions are held at John Knox Christian School on Tuesday evenings and Saturday mornings. Annual fund raisers are held every spring and fall. The summer marching season begins shortly after the spring fund raiser and continues through the Christmas parade season across southern Ontario.


  • Great Highland Pipes
  • Snare Drum
  • Tenor Drum
  • Bass Drum


Map Marker is an approximate location

Grimsby Pipe Band

  • Practice - Saturday Mornings
  • Practice - Tuesday Evenings
  • at the Cairn Christian School
  • grimsby, ontario, canada
  • # 9030
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