alba pipe band

pipeband in hildeshiem germany

alba pipe band

pipeband in hildeshiem germany

Alba - comes from the Scottish Gaelic (GĂ idhlig na h-Albainn) and describes the land of the Highlands and Lowlands, whiskey, kilts and bagpipes in northern Great Britain: Scotland.

The Alba Pipe Band was founded in 1998 by a handful of dedicated musicians. Since then, the band has multiplied their passion for Scottish music and culture. The band, which has over 30 members, consists of active players, dancers, supporters and family members who accompany their children to rehearsals or band performances.

The association has been officially registered and managed since April 2010

as “Alba Pipe Band eV” register of associations Hildesheim VR200485.

We cultivate and promote Scottish music, Scottish dance and the culture of Scottish pipe bands in Germany.

Even if our goal sounds a bit formal, we have a lot of fun practicing and are happy about musical success. The heart of our performances are the competitions, for example at the annual Highland Gathering in Peine, always at the beginning of May. We also regularly present Scottish musical heritage in the “Musicshow Scotland”. This spectacle is the largest indoor event in Europe featuring Scottish and Irish music - including dancing and solo singing.

Our practice times:

Mondays from 6 to 7 p.m. for youngsters and beginners Monday 7 - 9 p.m. Beginners and all players Thursday 7 - 9 p.m. All players Place: Michelsen Gymnasium, Hildesheim

!!! Due to the corona pandemic, our practice evenings will not take place in the Michelsen School!!!

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