The Irish Bulletin was a daily newspaper produced by the Irish Republican Army (IRA) during the Irish War of Independence. It served as the official news organ of the Irish Republic, which was declared in 1919. The first edition of the Irish Bulletin was published on November 11, 1919. The Bulletin appeared in weekly editions from 11 November 1919 to 11 July 1921.
The Irish War of Independence (1919-1921) was a conflict between Irish republican forces, represented primarily by the IRA, and British forces in Ireland. The Irish Bulletin played a significant role in conveying the perspective of the Irish Republic to both domestic and international audiences, providing news and updates on the events of the war.
The publication continued until 1921, covering various aspects of the conflict, including military operations, political developments, and the impact of the war on the civilian population. The Irish Bulletin is considered a key historical source for understanding the Irish War of Independence and the struggle for Irish independence more broadly.
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