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Last fully public hanginghanging in Scotland that of Joseph Bell at Perth.

On March 22, 1868 in Celtic History

Last fully public hanginghanging in scotland that of joseph bell at perth.

Sun 22 Mar 1868

    Vicar’s Bridge, the historic bridge was replaced by a modern structure in the 1960s. Of note here, was a murder in the late 19th century by Joe Bell of a passer-by.

    A tree known as “Joe Bell’s tree” had the letters JB carved on it and allegedly were carved whilst he waited for a victim. This could of course have been added after the event for dramatic purposes.

    Joe Bell had the unfortunate claim to fame of being the last man publicly hanged in Scotland (in Perth) for shooting a baker

    Utterly destitute, with not a penny in the world to buy a piece of bread, poacher Joseph Bell, 29, borrowed a shotgun and next day turned highwayman, waylaying farmer Alexander McEwan, 40, on his horse and cart at Blairingone in Perthshire. He blasted the farmer to death and then relieved him of his wallet, containing £5 10s.

    Bell’s footprints were found at the scene, and so was the murder weapon. When he was arrested he had exactly £5. 10s. on him. He strongly denied ever having been involved, but was tried at Perth on 24 April and hanged a month later on Tuesday, 22 May 1866, on a gallows brought from Aberdeen and placed outside Perth Prison.