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Hugh O'Neill, 2nd Earl of Tyrone, Defeated at Kinsale

Hugh O'Neill, 2nd earl of Tyrone, defeated at Kinsale
  • January 1, 1602

Hugh O’Neill, 2nd earl of Tyrone, byname the “Great Earl”, (born c. 1550 — died July 20, 1616, Rome, Papal States Italy),

An Irish rebel who, from 1595 to 1603, led an unsuccessful Roman Catholic uprising against English rule in Ireland.

The defeat of O’Neill and the conquest of his province of Ulster was the final step in the subjugation of Ireland by the English.

The battle begins between 5,000 Irish and 3,000 English troops after the Irish have marched over 5 km of very wooded and inaccessible terrain at night in appalling weather.

Siege on Kinsale

Over 4000 other English troops maintain the siege on Kinsale

Pope Clement VIII lent moral support to Tyrone’s cause, and, in September 1601, 4,000 Spanish troops arrived at Kinsale, Munster, to assist the insurrection.

But those reinforcements were quickly surrounded at Kinsale, and Tyrone suffered a staggering defeat while attempting to break the siege.

He continued to resist until forced to surrender on March 30, 1603, six days after the death of Queen Elizabeth.

Hugh O'Neill, 2nd earl of Tyrone, defeated at Kinsale

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